together We can…


Serve + Empower The Local Church Of The Nations

Our mission is to serve the Body of Christ in the work that God has entrusted to the local expression of the Church. Through prophetic prayer, strategic support, and apostolic leadership, we are out to champion the Church of Jesus to transform the culture around them and expand the Kingdom of God.


Train + Equip The Next Generation Of Leaders

We believe in the power of discipleship and investing in the next generation of leaders to rise up to their calling. Through strategic training and activation within the context of covenant relationship, we partner with the local church to raise up the leaders of the next generation.


Resource Sustainable Humanitarian Causes

We resource the local church to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community around them and beyond. Through long-term commitment to transformation, we partner with humanitarian causes across the world to share the love of Jesus in tangible ways.
